Michael “Stix” Kiley

Michael Kiley simply loves to teach the drums. He’d better – he’s been at it for over 25 years, including six years at Ellis Drumshop in St. Paul. Kiley boasts Lamont Cranston, The Drifters, The Marvelettes and even the great Chuck Berry on his impressive gigging resume.

Working out of 15-20 lesson books, Kiley tailors his teaching style to each and every one of his 37 students. “You’ve got to be able to see what they can’t see,” says Kiley of his flexible approach. “You have to assess how somebody learns and put it into a context he or she can understand.”

Among Kiley’s all-time faves are Steve Jordan, Earl Palmer, and Ray Bauduc – the New Orleans great. “All my students get versed somewhat in New Orleans, because that’s where it all comes from,” Says Kiley. “It’s all about feel and fun.”

Read more about Michael Kiley here.